Friday, November 11, 2016

Creative Writing

Last project: children's literature.  

While we have ventured into several different writing areas, we have not ventured into children's lit.  Considering the direction of some of our writing, that is no small surprise.  However, for this last project, I'd like you to research the following, sample the texts, and form some ideas you are willing to try for children's literature.  

* Shel Silverstein, Dr. Seuss--what inspired them? 
* Judy Blume--what did she write? How has her work been used throughout the years? 
* Peggy Bacon--how does she capture the culture of her era?  How much does her book, The Ghost of Opalina, sell for on Ebay?  
* Research children's books by celebrity authors--Madonna, TV hosts, etc.  What do they write about?  

* If you were to write a children's book, what need would it serve?  What approach would you use to send that message/address the need? 

30 Points As you refine your manifesto for possible publication, consider the following: 
a) Is your objection/objective clear?  If applicable, are the conditions to which you object clear?
b) Are your values clear?  Are there actual examples of behaviors that might reflect those values? 
c) Is there a clear prescription for how one should live or think according to the objective you have chosen?
d) Poetic elements!  How have you made use of the following?
--figurative language
--other poetic devices

This assignment is particularly challenging, since you are creating a document that should read like a poem.  Feel free to re-examine the samples from yesterday's website, and consider Jessica's sample as well. 

Acrostic Writing

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Creative Writing--Manifesto Material

Today you will begin the draft work for your own manifesto.  You will visit the link below, and work your way through steps 1- 6.  For each step, you should have several items, between 5 and 10.  Also, there are two beautiful samples that I want you to consider, as they make this experiment seem like a far less intimidating feat.

Besides the two students samples online, I have another sample from one of your fellow writers.

The Value of You

Endure the painful discrimination. Apply the laws of segregation.

Judge them by their genetics. Don't accept diversity.

And you will have burrowed yourself deep in the ground, abandoning your social senses.

The world will sweep by you, and you will be left in the dust.


Embrace the ever-present evolution. Support the minorities.

Love the individual differences.  Marry a different race. Befriend

the handicapped. Ignore the comments. Praise oddities. All men are created

equal. And love is what makes us whole.


Don't ask for opinions. Just be yourself. Encourage diversity. Be the moral

shoulder to lean on. Say the best kind of person is all that live. Find

beauty in the defected. Call a disability a beauty mark. Join hands and

be the strength for others to stand. Love everyone as if the day is their last.

Negative words are a short-term fix. Positive words are imprinted within us. Think of their

mother and how she feels about the pain and seclusion of her child.


Breathe the air and be as it is: free to touch all and reserved for none. Let no

one coerce you with their values. Take advice and do the opposite

of the expected. Blow their minds and souls with unconditioned emotion.

Respect and uniformity are separate. The sun shines on all of us, no matter who we are.