Monday, October 31, 2016

English II ACT I Analysis

English II

A Raisin in the Sun Act I, Scene one

20 points


Respond fully.

a)                 What is the significance of the window?

b)                What is the significance of the eggs, from the time Ruth prepares them to the time Walter curses them?

c)                 Compare Ruth’s attitude concerning money to Walter’s attitude in giving Travis a dollar. 

d)                Walter smokes a cigarette before breakfast.  From where does he get the cigarette?  Why is that significant? 

e)                 What impression of Walter should we have? Beneatha uses an allusion in reference to Walter.  (“prophets. . . wilderness. . . swamps”)

What is this an allusion to?  What is Beneatha suggesting by it?

f)                  As soon as we see her, Mama is associated with an object.  What is that object and why is it, and Mama’s association with it, significant?

g)                 The check now has different meaning for different characters.  What does each want to do with it?

h)                Why do we get the backstory concerning Mr. Younger?  What does it help us understand about other characters and the plot?

i)                   Why do Ruth and Mama treat Beneatha as they do?  Is Beneatha truly as childish as they seem to think she is? What other Biblical references does Beneatha make? Why do they offend Mama?

j)                   George Murchison and serve as a foil for Walter.  So far, what contrasts can we draw between Walter and the other men? 


Scene ii

a)     Ruth is pregnant.  How can we infer that she is considering terminating her pregnancy? Why do you think the playwright feels that this part of the plot is necessary? 

b)    Asagai speaks of assimilationism.  What is assimilationism?  What are some modern examples of it?

What is the irony of Mama saying, “I don’t think I never met no African before.” 

c)     In this scene, Walter says, “Money is life.”  What do you think he means by this?  How would Asagai react to this statement?  What about George Murchison?

d)    How does the conflict between Walter and Ruth escalate? 

e)     Describe Mama’s reaction to receiving her husband’s life insurance policy.  Why is this a sad moment for her?  What do you predict she will do with the money? 

f)      How are Walter’s definition of being a man and Mama’s definition of being a man different?  How does Mama’s sense of self-worth compare to Walter’s.

g)     Reconsider the poem “Harlem,” found in the first few pages of the text.  Consider the varying descriptions of a dream deferred, or a dream put on hold.  Which of those descriptions seems to be particularly fitted to what has happened in the play so far?


Act II, scene i, page 76

        a)    How does this scene provide comic relief?

b)   What is the significance of Beneatha dancing to Nigerian music, and calling the blues music assimilationist music?

c)    Walter and George finally interact, and we see contrasts.  Contrast their attitudes concerning money, manhood, and achievement/privilege. Use a T-chart to do this.

d)   There are a few allusions used.  Research the reference to Uncle Tom. What does it have to do with assimilation? (pg 81)

e)    Research George’s reference to Prometheus, as he describes Walter.  What was George trying to suggest about Walter?  (pg 86)

f)      Why can’t Walter be happy about Mama purchasing the house?  What does the represent to him? 

g)    We see Ruth’s role as the peacekeeper.  How does she do this, and what does it say about her as a human being? 

  Vocabulary: eccentric (80), oppressive (81), shrewd (84) what do these terms mean? Identify synonyms for them.
Scene ii:

a)    On pages 97-90 Mama’s attitude toward Beneatha is much different.  How has her attitude changed?  What has caused this? What is the author trying to suggest?

b)   Mama makes a decision to trust Walter (106-108) with his investment.  In his joy, Walter promises Travis the world.  What is Walter’s description of their future?  How realistic is his prediction?  What does this suggest about what Walter truly wants?  Does it reveal his understanding of how to run a business?









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