Monday, March 21, 2016

Spring 2016 Honors Project

English II Honors

Independent Project

Spring 2016                                                                         Due: May 16, Monday

This spring, you have a number of options.  As we have been limited in creativity this semester, I would like for you to have some fairly creative options:

a)   Think of someone whom you admire—a character, a celebrity, athlete, writer, etc.  Research that person—via interviews, texts, etc. 

·       Provide a works-cited list of the resources you used, as well as a description of the kinds of information you found from that source.

·       In honor of the person whom you admire, compose a monologue poem expressing some aspect of their life, or compose a bio poem. 

·       Use this link for your sample template and poem.  Your poem should be at least as elaborate as the sample included.  Feel free to experiment with poetic elements.


b)  This year, we have examined ideas or texts that tend to leave us thinking.  Consider some of the texts we have read.  If I asked you to present your understanding of that text in the form of art, what would you create?  Think about the text or idea.  Using the artistic medium of your choice, create a piece representing either a question, statement, or other understanding of the text.  With that art, turn in a 150-200 word summary of how the art represents your experience with the reading.


c)    (Opportunity for collaboration.) Last semester, you seemed to enjoy reading A Raisin in the Sun, as well as the small scenes from Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.   Write a mini-play of your own including dialogue, stage directions, and narration.  Your play should include a symbol as well as thorough characterization.   Act out the scene, either in front of the class, or on film.  This cannot be something you might have done for another class.


d)   Grab your instruments!  Compose a song reflecting some theme or idea explored this year.  It’s okay if you want to borrow a few chords, but keep it as authentic as possible. Collaborate with a partner to add music and voice!  Consider use of the poetic elements.


e)   Several of you have expressed an interest in looking at a historical film and comparing its presentation of a historical event to the actual event as it has been documented.  If you choose this option, you will not have a partner.  You will also need my approval and your parents’/guardians’ before doing the study. Your work will include the following:

·       A journal of observations as you watch the film.  What is your reaction to key scenes? (4 entries)

·       Your research, using at least two sources and how their presentation of events either counters or confirms what you saw in the film.  Include proper MLA Works Cited entries for these two sources.   

·       A reflection concerning the changes and why you think they were made.  Obviously, the purpose of film is different than the purpose of a novel.  Why must a story be reformed for a film? 

Rubric:  40 points

Your work will be scored to the degree to which it shows the following characteristics:

Authenticity—Your work is your own, and does not appear to have been borrowed from any source.  There is no evidence of plagiarism.  Plagiarism warrants a score of zero.

Quality—Your work has been designed, created, and refined.  It is not rough or shabby in quality, and has been checked for errors. Writing has been proofread for sense, and explanations are not rough.   

Depth—Your work is not hastily thrown together nor is it elementary in level of thought.  There is evidence of creativity, consideration and application. The writing components of your work are thorough and show evidence of thinking beyond surface-level or recall. 

Completion: Your work has each of the items associated with your choice of options.


 Please understand: 

·       I cannot accept this assignment late.  It will be crunch time and I need a reasonable window of time in which to grade them. 

·       Please submit your work electronically, via OneDrive, unless you are going for the art project.    I do not want a paper copy.

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