Wednesday, March 30, 2016

A Review of Argument

For the next day or so, we want to review argument.  We will use the text, "The Border Patrol State," by Leslie Marmon Silko.  To prepare for the carousel activity, complete the following:

Border Patrol State:  A Review of Argument

1)         As you read, make note of the author’s use of the rhetorical appeals.  Provide three examples of each:

Logical appeal

Emotional appeal

Ethical Appeal

2)         The author uses several of the SMARTIES strategies.  Identify several examples she uses, but do not uses those you may have mentioned for the rhetorical appeals.

3)         Can you identify the author’s thesis?  Describe the organization she uses.  Overall, why is it effective?

4)         Go to YouTube, and watch The Border Fence on PBS Now, Part 1.

First, respond to the contents of the video.  Next, compare and contrast the viewpoints presented in the video with those presented by the author of “The Border Patrol State.”



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